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Reflections of a Summer Home

Be happy in the moment, that’s enough! Each moment is all we need, not more- Mother Teresa

Looking back on the last couple of months before I left in July, it was a struggle. I was getting severe pain in my back and feet, to the point where I had stopped my daily walk. The one thing that cleared my mind and calmed my soul hurt too much to do. In addition, I fell down steps at the immigration building and cut up my knee and elbow badly. On top of that, I hadn’t traveled home in two years and was feeling anxious about my visit. What Is it going to be like back at home? How will I adjust? How will my body react to me being in a totally different environment? My back was killing me. How am I going to do an 18-hour flight with back spasms?

On July 5th, I put my faith in the universe and begin my journey home. The international flight was a breeze but once you hit the United States, oh boy! I barely made it on the flight to Boston. As we approached the state I grew up in, I looked out my window to a landscape that seems so foreign to me. When I left to come to Taiwan, I couldn't even fly out of Boston. In August 2020, my parents had to drive me to New York City and I had to take a flight there. How times have changed in two years.

I have to say one of the craziest moments of going back home was just getting off the flight and on to the terminal. To hear everyone speaking English and seeing signs that were in English was a shock to my system. People spoke and I could fully understand what they were saying. It was very overwhelming at first because for years I've been so used to just hearing Chinese in everyday conversations. Also, years of Taiwanese signs, advertisements and store fronts change your perception of everything around you.

I had to gather myself for a moment. I’ve tuned out conversations in Taiwan due to the fact that I can’t speak Chinese. Here, I could understand it all and it was overwhelming. As I’m adjusting to my new environment, trying to soak it all in, I hear my name. I turned around to see my parents and it was an overwhelming feeling of love and just being in that moment.

I could probably write a book on the month and a half I spent at home but I’ll keep it to this post. I was able to do so many amazing things and be surrounded by great humans while doing it. I was able to truly live in the moment and really enjoyed every second of my trip. From kayaking in my hometown as well as down the cape with my family, to eating amazing food, savoring every bite, I was able to just be.

I cherished every piece of food, every connection I was able to have with others (thank you family and friends), every place I visited and time I spent with my nieces, my brother, my mom and dad and the animals. It was a much-needed break. No chaos, just peace. I didn't realize how much I took on being in Taiwan for two years. I released all of it and I felt relaxed and rested for the first time in awhile. Leaving that behind to go back to Taiwan was difficult, but I have so much more to accomplish in the land of Formosa.


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